2024 Program
3 October 2024
Learning From More Common to Inform Rare Vasculitis
By the end of this symposium, participants will be able to describe recent discoveries in clinical and translational research and innovations in care for patients with vasculitis, which aims to improve the long term outcomes
Welcome and Opening Remarks
7:50 am
Presented by the Symposium Planning Committee
Exploring ANCA Associated Vasculitis (AAV): Pathophysiology and new therapies
8:00 am
Presented by Dr. Louis Girard
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to summarize how the pathophysiology of AAV enables therapeutic development.
Interesting Case # 1
9:00 am
Presented by Dr. Moran Plonsky Toder
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
Genetics of Vasculitis
9:15 am
Presented by Dr. Ashish Marwaha
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to discuss the various aspects of genetic influence of the various vasculitides
Interesting Case #2
10:00 am
Presented by Dr. Andrew Küng
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
10:15 am
Interesting Case #3
10:45 am
Presented by Dr. Özen TaÅŸ
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
Vasculitis Fellow Presentation
11:00 am
Presented by Dr. Lieselot Peremans
Objective: By the end of this session attendees will recognise the value of the Aisha Rea Vasculitis Fellowship and the impact on career development.
Interesting Case #4
11:30 am
Presented by Dr. Abeer Bargawi
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
11:35 am
Interesting Case #5
12:45 pm
Presented by Dr. Christine Njagi
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
Skin changes in Vasculitis
1:00 pm
Presented by Dr. Michele Ramien
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will recognise the dermatological manifestations of vasculitides from the relatively common IgA vasculitis to rarer vasculitides
Interesting Case #6
1:45 pm
Presented by Dr. Virginia Hoch
Objective: By the end of this session the attendee will be able to reflect on the case and the implications for their clinical practice
2:00 pm
Keynote: IgA vasculitis with a focus on nephropathy
2:30 pm
Presented by Dr. Marija Jelušić
Objective: By the end of this talk the attendee will be able describe the lessons learned from IgA vasculitis that apply to the rarer vasculitides
Closing Remarks
3:30 pm
Presented by the Symposium Planning Committee